Day + Night Crack Sealing Impacts Traffic September 14 + 15 On West Superior Street In Duluth
The project will be temporary but it could have impacts on traffic in a busy part of Duluth. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is alerting drivers to an overnight crack sealing project scheduled for Highway 194/West Superior Street; the work will start the evening of Wednesday, September 14 and continue until early morning on Thursday, September 15.
The scope of the work on Highway 194/West Superior Street will occur between Glen Place Drive and the Lenox Place Building. Motorists should expect single lane traffic with flaggers and a pilot car. Crews will be filling and repairing the cracks that exist in the pavement along this stretch of roadway.
Work crews will be on site for this project starting at 7:00 PM on Wednesday night, and expect to have the work wrapped up by 5:00 AM on Thursday morning.
As with any road construction work zone, MNDOT officials remind drivers to slow down, be cautious, and alert for changing road conditions. This is especially true for this project as the majority of the work involved will occur during the night time.
In addition - and prior to the crack sealing work on West Michigan Street, MNDOT crews will be performing a similar project in New Duluth on Highway 39. That job will run only on Wednesday September 14 from 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Additional details about these projects or any of the work coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation can be found on their website. They even have a real time traffic conditions map that details both construction projects and conditions.