Common Item You’ve Probably Used Incorrectly Can Cause A House Fire
Heating season is just about here in Minnesota. We've enjoyed a warm October, so many people haven't needed to worry too much about staying warm. Cooler nights are here, and unfortunately, that means there's a higher risk of a house fire.
There are common ways housefires start, and I'll get to a list of those things below in just a second. There are some obvious things, but there could be some dangerous things you're doing that you probably didn't even realize.
Space heaters can catch fire. Usually, it involves an unsafe unit being covered with a blanket or something flammable. They've been putting safety features in place on heaters for years, like if they tip over they shut off (in most cases).

There's something space heater safety features can't account for human error.
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I was scrolling through Facebook the other day when I saw a post of a charred power strip. The warning was from Forest Lake Fire & Rescue. They said with cooler temperatures coming be sure not to use a power strip to plug in your space heater.
Extension cords too may not be strong enough to handle the energy load of the space heater. You have to make sure the cord is gauged thick enough to handle the load, or that can catch fire too.
To be safe, you should always plug the space heater directly into the outlet and away from anything flammable.
It's also a good reminder for you to check your smoke detectors, change out the batteries, and make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector near sleeping areas.
5 Most Common Causes For Housefires In Minnesota
Gallery Credit: Ken Hayes
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