City of Duluth Popular Bike Routes Gain Five Self-Service Bicycle Repair Stations
It happens! You and your family are enjoying a Saturday afternoon on one of Duluth's popular bike routes and your bicycle chain slips or falls off. Or, your daughter gets a flat tire. Sure, you could call someone to help, but you have no idea how to explain to get to you. Don't panic, the City of Duluth and Continental Ski & Bike have you covered! With self-service bike repair stations. What a great idea!
A City of Duluth’s Parks Fund grant will help fund five self-service bike repair stations along popular Duluth bike routes. Look for them to be installed over the upcoming months. The bicycle repair stations are meant to improve the overall experience on Duluth trails and bikeway system and offer an additional safety measure for all users.
What will the stations offer? They will include a stand, tools, and an air pump, with a QR code to access tutorial videos by Continental Ski & Bike.
You can now ride with piece of mind knowing that if you should have issues, there is a chance you can take care of it and continue your journey enjoying the great outdoors!