For years the City Of Duluth Parks and Recreation has offered a Flag Football League.  It's a non-contact sport that has continued to grow in popularity with both genders. Now the City is partnering with the Denfeld Junior Football League for a couple of very useful free football clinics and a football camp. 

One of the two free football clinics is Saturday, June 4.  The other will be held Monday,  June 6, 2016 and is for youth of all ages. With fun in mind, the clinics are designed to introduce children to the basics of the game of football and encourage participation in youth football activities.  Here are the specific times and location for the clinics.

Saturday, June 4th – 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday, June 6th – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

They will be held at the Heritage Sports Center, 120 S 30th Avenue West.  You only need to show up, there is no need to pre-register.

If you're interested in football camp, the Denfeld Junior Football Camp will be held the week of July 25-29 from 5p-7:30p at Irving Football Field, 20 South 57th Avenue West in Duluth.  This is for kids who are grades 3rd through 8th and will teach them the fundamentals to build an interest in a future of football.  Your kids will learn the skills specific to the grade level they're in and get hands on experience.  Again, no need to pre-register, just show up and enjoy!

If you have questions, you can address them to

Info via:  City of Duluth Parks & Rec Press Release

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