A Massive Change Might Be Coming To Sam’s Club Stores
The changes keep coming for Sam's Club, with more changes coming to the superstore near you! You may love these changes or you may hate them.

Recently, Sam's Club axed a popular benefit for its Plus members, only offering free shipping on certain orders of 50 bucks or more.
Earlier this year, they announced an even more drastic change, announcing they would no longer be checking receipts at the door, installing new technology to do the job instead.
Now For Another Big Change...
This is probably the biggest change Sam's Club stores have undergone yet, or will. A brand new location is opening without checkout lanes, acting as a test of sorts for the future.
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What does this mean? It means that checkout lanes, including the self-checkout features, could be a thing of the past if this new location is a success.
It's hard to imagine a store without a checkout lane. Instead, customers in this store will have to scan everything themselves using the app as they shop.
This new store will open in Dallas and will be the first all-digital location in the country. According to reports, this store will serve as a 'testing ground' first before the changes roll out to other stores.
For now, it's likely our locations in Minnesota and Wisconsin stay the way they are. However, if this new all-digital store is a success, it will only be a matter of time before they implement the changes nationwide.
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