Can You Legally Pass A Stopped City Bus In Minnesota?
We were taught in driver's education to never pass a school bus with its stop arm out and flashing lights, but every day people do, putting kids' lives at risk. So as a reminder, don't pass a stopped school bus! But, what are the laws about transit buses?
When do you have to yield to a transit bus? What's the right way to get around them if you need to? These were questions that popped into my head while I was following a transit bus on the way in to work this morning.
Read More: Driver Who Made Horrific Pass By Minnesota School Bus Located
Don't pass a school bus that has its arms out. There was a terrifying incident last week where a driver in Minnesota sped past a stopped school bus in the right lane. Don't be that person!

You can pass a transit bus - BUT...
If a city bus (transit bus) is stopped you can pass them legally if you are able to safely. However, you should be yielding to the bus. That means if it has its turn signal on and is going to merge back into traffic, you should allow them to.
169.20 Subd. 7.Transit bus; school bus.
(a) The driver of a vehicle traveling in the right-hand lane of traffic shall yield the right-of-way to any transit bus attempting to enter that lane from a bus stop or shoulder, as indicated by a flashing left turn signal.
Don't be that person who gets impatient.
There's a lot more people on that bus than are in your vehicle. When a bus is merging in, take a couple of seconds and allow the bus in for the good of the many. Don't try to race around it.
LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal
Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn
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