Buffalo Wild Wings Adds Pumpkin Spice Flavor To Menu For Limited Time
If you've been to Buffalo Wild Wings lately and did not notice their latest addition, you're not alone.
The internet has been astir this week after someone discovered the chain had added "BBQ Pumpkin Ale Sauce" to their menu. This is only available for a limited time.
Apparently, they started selling the new flavor at the beginning of October but no one really seemed to notice until now. Oops.
According to their website, the addition is "fall’s favorite flavor. Ale mixes with BBQ flavors and pumpkin spice for a taste of the season."
The flavor has been available since October 1st. I guess we need to be a bit more observant. Ha!
In all seriousness, is this taking the pumpkin spice trend a little too far? I think it may have gotten a little out of hand but I am not totally grossed out at the thought of a pumpkin spice flavored chicken wing.