Anyone Else Not Get Their Christmas Package Delivered In Time?
I thought I did a better job than normal planning ahead for online Christmas orders. My kids and I picked out a few things for my wife early last week. The delivery dates said I would get it between Dec 21st-23rd. Then, a few days later I got the notice they had shipped. On one order they said it would be here by the 24th. I thought that was cutting it close, but oh well. Then a different order just said sometime after the 28th. Wait, what!? That's a full week later? What's going on?
I shrugged it off, figuring I would still get the Dec 24th package. But 8:30pm we got home and I saw the package wasn't at our door yet. Porch pirates? I checked to see if it had been marked delivered on the FEDEX tracking and it still said to be delivered by the end of the day Christmas Eve. Christmas morning I got an apologetic message saying it would be here by the end of the week. That's it.
The problem seems to be the increased number of people shopping online and the fact that the couriers can't keep up with it. I know I watched my packages sit in Hodkin Illinois for days. In fact it was originally a Fedex tracking number. Now today it's a UPS tracking number. I have no idea how that happened.
According to FOX 9 in Minneapolis, it's a problem across the region.
So here's to better late than never Christmas presents, honey.