You’re Invited To Celebrate Success Of Our Youth At Life House
Life House, in downtown Duluth, provides homeless and at-risk youth immediate access to emergency needs such as food, shelter, basic health care, life skills development, and "one-on-one" support services in safe housing, education, employment, and positive health.
The first time I talked to Kim Crawford, the Executive Director, I was shocked to learn just how many of our youth today, are in need of these services. Life House helps them get their feet back on the ground, gives direction and the confidence and motivation they need to succeed.
You're invited, to represent the community in celebrate of both academic and personal achievements of the youth who sought help from Life House.
Kim Crawford says, “When you’re worried about finding a place to sleep or your next meal, school becomes a lower priority. For our kids, it’s a tremendous accomplishment to graduate or get their GED despite that adversity. Some are the first in their families to reach that milestone. In addition to helping youth gain access to their basic needs, Life House encourages them to continue their education so that they can achieve personal and financial independence. Many students continue on to college and successful careers after the program."
The Life House Celebration of Success will be held on Thursday, May 17 from 3-6p and is free and open to the public. There will be a barbecue held in the parking lot adjacent to the Life House building, 102 West First Street. A short program to recognize Life House students will be held at 4:15 with a few words from Mayor Don Ness and Life House staff and youth. Tours of Life House will be available throughout the event running from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Donations honoring the youth are greatly appreciated.
For more information about Life House or to make a donation, visit www.lifehouseduluth.org.
For more information please contact:
Kim Crawford, Executive Director, 218.722.7431
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