Prince’s Ashes To Back On Display Once Again At Paisley Park
The 5-year anniversary of Prince's death is coming up on April 21, and Paisley Park is offering a chance for fans to do a free walk through of the museum, but unfortunately the time slots are sold out. But good news is a waiting list is available. The staff at Paisley Park have something special planned, fans will be able to see Princes ashes for the first time in years.
Their will also be regular tours going on that day so this free self guided tour will be timed, face masks are required and basically you will be in and out of the building and atrium area. Prince's ashes were initially on display until 2019 when the urn was moved out of public view at the families request as reported by The Star Tribune.
For everyone else who does not want to do the regular tours that day or go on the waiting list for the free tour you will be allowed to come on the grounds and leave flowers, signs and mementos next to the "Glyph" statue that now sits outside Paisley Park .

Alan Seiffert, who is the Paisley Park executive director, said in a statement:
Prince’s passing remains incomprehensible to all of us, We celebrate his life and legacy every day at Paisley Park, a place that Prince wanted to share with the world. So, on this day especially, we acknowledge the incredible force and inspiration Prince is in people’s lives and open up our doors for them to pay their respects.
I will never forget the day he died, when I heard the news it was like a hard gut punch. I remember saying to myself how is that possible he is in great shape, he was not in any kind of accident and a drug over dose was the absolute last thing I ever thought of. It was well know that Prince did not drink or condone the use of drugs. But after his death his secrets were revealed about his back pain due to jumping off speakers in high heel boots for years, and some of his dance moves would cause anybody to be in constant pain. That as we know it now was the beginning of the end, another amazing artist gone too soon.
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