What Happens To Soil That Fuel Is Spilled On?
Diesel fuel and gasoline spills happen more than many people realize. I'm not talking about just some drips here and there at a gas station, I'm talking about massive leaks from tanks or tanker trucks. Fortunately the State of Minnesota does a fine job making sure those spills are properly cleaned up.

Another hat I wear is working on spill response projects and the number one question I get on the side of a highway or in the parking lot of a gas station is "where are you taking it?". There are several answers to that question and usually it's me stating that it "goes to the landfill".
Not just any landfill though, where the dirty dirt goes is based on it's levels of contamination, so tests are run to get the soil's profile for disposal. With those results, a landfill is selected based on proximity to the spill, cost per ton to dispose of, and if they are licensed to take it with whatever levels of contamination it has. Once it reaches it's new home, it's generally put in a special area that is lined to handle it, and sometimes treated. Other times it's remediated by landfarming it, and nature works it's magic with the sun and sometimes gets mixed in intervals with fertilizer to clean-up the soil. Testing is of course conducted to make sure it's all back to good.
As I mentioned above, Minnesota cares about spills and leaks, and has a program called Petrofund that helps with clean-up costs. It's not just for businesses though, they work with homeowners too of fuel oil spills quite often to lend a hand in keeping our environment safe.
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