I have been a bone marrow donor for years with the "Be The Match" registry.  I almost made a match a few years back too, but there is a series of tests they do to make sure you are a perfect match and one of our tests didn't match.  I would love the opportunity to match someone and save a life!!!

If you agree, you should join the "Be The Match" bone marrow registry too. A UMD pharmacy student organization can help with the bone marrow drive they're holding on campus.

My mom passed of leukemia in 2000, I was already a potential bone marrow donor at that point and watching her battle her illness really solidified my choice.  That's what "Be the Match" registry does, they try to match people that are potential donors with those that have leukemia and need a transplant.

It's a super simple.  Just go to the drive held at the Kirby Student Center on the UMD Campus tomorrow, Thursday, April 9 from 9a-2p and give a cheek swab.  That's painless and your first step to becoming a bone marrow donor.

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