Twin Ports Getting a New Drive-Thru Only Caribou Coffee
The Twin Ports is currently home to 6 Caribou Coffee locations, and they are looking to open up a new location soon.
All the current Caribou Coffee locations in the Twin Ports call Duluth home, but a new drive-thru only Caribou Coffee will open soon in Superior. The new location will be one of the company's Caribou Cabin designs that features both drive-thru windows, and walk-up windows, but no indoor seating.
The Caribou Cabin location will serve the normal Caribou beverage menu, and some additional beverage items you might not get at a regular Caribou location. The new location will offer their regular selection of breakfast sandwiches and bakery items as well.

The new location is confirmed with this job listing looking for an Assistant Manger for a new Caribou Cabin location in Superior, WI. It looks like the new Caribou will be located across Hwy. 2 from the East End Super One, right next to McDonald's. The building is under construction now.
According to the company, when you visit a Cabin location you'll be greeted with a "Welcome to the Cabin" by baristas, the training is even specialized for these unique locations with employees learning with 'Bou Bonfires, Caribou says the training will teach "team members on how to best live "life at the cabin".
Caribou Coffee opened its first location in Edina, MN in 1992 and is still based in Minnesota with over 7000 employees working at over 600 locations around the globe.
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