Three Tips To Help You Ace The Opening Weekend Of Bentleyville
One of the biggest events of the year is almost here - Bentleyville!
It brings so many people to our neck of the woods every single year and is something everyone - from tourists to Duluthians alike - look forward to. This year is no different.
We had Nathan Bentley in studio Tuesday morning, prior to opening day and he offered up a few tips on how you can survive the major event. These are tips you may not have thought of off the top of your head.
- Tip 1: Come late! Seriously, go late if you can. Bentleyville is open until 10 p.m. each night and according to Nathan Bentley, it's much more convenient if you can roll in later rather than earlier. Everyone tries to go right when the doors open, which can cause a traffic jam of people. Waiting it out until later in the evening will ensure you won't be surrounded by so many people at once.
- Tip 2: Families First! If you are going with your family, go right when the doors open. That way, those without a family can go later and you can bring your kids home and get them out of the cold. If families attend first, it clears up a lot of the way for others to go later, which is more convenient for everyone.
- Top 3: Attend On A Weekday! It's no secret that Bentleyville brings in a ton of tourists every single year. They usually come near the end of the week or on a weekend. If you are in the area or planning on traveling to the area, try to plan a trip on a weekday. It will be way less crowded, which means the event will be more enjoyable for you.
I thought those tips were interesting and helpful. Of course, you should also dress appropriately and plan ahead.
Bentleyville kicks off Saturday, November 23rd and continues through Saturday, December 28th! Nathan Bentley founded the famous light show in 2003.
By the way - Bentleyville is looking for volunteers. If you have any interest, you can learn more here. You never know who you may run in to!

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