The 10 Safest Neighborhoods in Duluth, Minnesota
While we all know that living in the Northland is generally safe when compared to other parts of the country, it's always interesting to see which areas are the safest.
NeighborhoodScout.com uses crime rates within a city to determine which neighborhoods are safest within a community. According to their data as of November 27, 2018, the 10 safest neighborhoods in Duluth are:
- French River / Palmers
- Pequaywan Lake Road / Normanna Road
- Eldes Corner
- Arnold
- Fond du Lac / New Duluth
- Lester Park / Lakewood
- London Road / S 36th Ave E
- E 8th Street / Woodland Avenue
- Glenwood Street / N 43rd Ave E
- Woodland
If you're wondering which neighborhoods were deemed the most dangerous, it appears that those areas are focused to neighborhoods closer to downtown Duluth and heading out west near Grand Avenue and the Lincoln Park area.
You can follow the link below to access the interactive map. You'll be able to see some information free, but they do require a membership if you want more detailed information such as types of alerts that neighborhoods have been faced with.
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