Testing of Virtual Classes May Make Snow Days A Thing Of The Past
When I was young we only had snow days because of snow. Now it can because of excessive snow or extremely cold temperatures. Apparently they thought we were tough and could brave the cold in the 70's and 80's. While students think a snow day is cool, parents on the other hand are faced with finding child care on short notice. Despite what parents have to deal with, one school in central Minnesota is saying snow days in their district will be a thing of the past, here's how.
The students at St. Cloud Cathedral in St. Cloud high school won't be enjoying anymore snow days thanks to technology. When they have inclement weather their home becomes a virtual classroom. They "attend" class by logging onto a laptop or iPad and doing their schoolwork from home. This was successful at the private school in St. Cloud, although the principal did say there was some grumbling. But, I question whether that would actually work in the Northland.
Schools rely on funding to stay open and that funding is based on attendance at school. When too many snow days are taken that begins to affect the amount of funding the school receives. That also makes it necessary for schools to shorten vacation breaks and add days to the end of the school year.
A private school has lower attendance numbers and might be able to provide each with a laptop or iPad, but could a public school? Plus, each home would need to have internet access, would the parents or school be responsible for hooking that up? Would teachers be required to brave the elements and drive in to teach from the classroom via an internet connection or could they also stay home and have a camera set up to teach from there? Would they want a camera set up in their home?
Some people say it's something that Northland kids look forward to and expect. Others say it interrupts their education and it's hard for administrators to determine whether school should be closed or not and often make the wrong choice.
What is your opinion, should schools in the Twin Ports regardless of private or public eliminate school days and utilize today's technology? Comment below.