Dollar stores have been trending for a while now and we have several in the Northland. I am NOT dissing on them. I shop them too, but for specific things. Some of the things that I find at the local dollar store has me SMH.
I found an older thread on reddit today that asked the question of divorced people if there were any signs from the beginning that their relationship was doomed. It was a great read with a lot of different answers. One of the things that popped out was the canoe test. It's where you can gauge how long a couple will last after seeing how they handle a canoe trip.
I saw on Facebook today a personality test an old college roomate took. He shared his result and I thought it fit him pretty good. So, naturally I took the test, and wow! It nailed me!
Did someone say Bejeweled? Wait Cathy, put down your phone, you're AT WORK! Experts have come out with a study that will determine if you're addicted to your smartphone and Ken and Cathy took the test. Here's their results. After you laugh, take the test yourself. Will you need to join them in an intervention?
I stumbled on an article that was published earlier this year from Forbes where you can test your mental sharpness. I'm a pretty smart guy, and I thought this would be pretty easy. After the first question, I was already puzzled. I actually could feel my brain working. Take the test and see how these seemingly simple questions can challenge you.
A blood test that should be available in Europe by the end of the year could give you a pretty good indication of how fast you are aging and how much longer you will live.
The test measures telomeres, structures on the end of each of your chromosomes, which scientists think may hold the key to determining a person's "true age."