PETA recently started an anti-hunting campaign called 'Shoot Selfie's Not Animals.' People were supposed to post pictures of support, but instead many hunters used the Facebook frame to show off their recent kills.
Every summer we hear of the dangers of leaving a dog locked in a car on a warm day. Another danger is runners who take their dogs with them for a summer run and it's for that reason that Kara Goucher has teamed with PETA to help spread the word.
I am a huge animal lover. My friends even joke about how meticulous I am when someone is watching my dog for me and I present to them my manifesto of rules. I appreciate what PETA stands for, but I also know they sometimes do things just to keep their name in the press. I think this may be one of those occasions.
The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, does some good work, but it’s the organization’s more absurd stunts that often make headlines — and this one is a prime example.
Citing the suffering of turkeys during the Thanksgiving season, PETA sent a letter to the mayor of Turkey, Texas and asked him to change the town’s name to the tofu-based meat alte
If you wouldn't eat your dog, why would you eat a turkey? Here's my reasons PETA.
1. Dogs are cute. Turkey's are probably one of the ugliest animals.
2. Dog meat is kinda tough. Ever try it?
I'm all about treating your pets nicely, blah blah blah. But I'm gonna shoot a deer if I can legally shoot one, I'm going to catch fish and filet them up and eat them. Sorry PETA, get over it. They are now putting these billboards in cities with the highest amount of shark attacks...