
Here’s How To Make A Little Money Spring Cleaning
Here’s How To Make A Little Money Spring Cleaning
Here’s How To Make A Little Money Spring Cleaning
The warm summer days haven't hit yet. While you are stuck indoors, make the most of it. You might have some things that could make you some extra cash, and all you need are the tools. They are right at your fingertips. Here are some ways and places you could make some money on your old or unwanted things.
No Charge Prom And Formal Dresses Offered At Valley Youth Center With Annual Dress Drive
No Charge Prom And Formal Dresses Offered At Valley Youth Center With Annual Dress Drive
No Charge Prom And Formal Dresses Offered At Valley Youth Center With Annual Dress Drive
They call her the "dress fairy".  I call her a woman with utmost compassion and true love for helping others.  Her name is Mary and thanks to her dedication and giving up half her basement for storage, high school aged girls currently enrolled in a school of the Northland that might not have a dress for the high school dance or prom can now show up with sparkling confidence.
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
Thanks to help from a gal that knows first hand how expensive going to prom can be,  there is a chance for students currently enrolled in a school of the Northland that might not have a dress for the high school dance or prom can now show up with sparkling confidence.
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
They call her the "dress fairy".  I call her the woman with utmost compassion and true love for helping others.  Her name is Mary and thanks to her dedication and giving up half her basement for storage, high school aged girls currently enrolled in a school of the Northland that might not have a dress for the high school dance or prom can now show up with sparkling confidence.
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
'Prom Fairy' Helping Prom-goers
I had heard about the "dress fairy" before, but had no idea how much care, compassion and true love for helping others was involved.  Until, I met Mary Francis-Bennett.  Thanks to her dedication and giving up half her basement for storage, girls in the Northland that might not have a dress for the high school dance or prom can now show up with sparkling confidence.
DIY Crochet Boot Cuffs Are A Cute Inexpensive Holiday Gift [Now I Need To Learn To Crochet]
DIY Crochet Boot Cuffs Are A Cute Inexpensive Holiday Gift [Now I Need To Learn To Crochet]
DIY Crochet Boot Cuffs Are A Cute Inexpensive Holiday Gift [Now I Need To Learn To Crochet]
You've heard of those mock turtlenecks called a"dickey"? Well, these are my boot dickeys! My friend Coleen crocheted these darling boot cuffs for me and I LOVE THEM!  They are the only ones I own and I hate to ask her to make me more since I know her time is precious.  I have no idea how to crochet but went on a search to find a video on how to do it.  I think I've got it!
Fantastic Idea!  Clothing That Repels Insects
Fantastic Idea! Clothing That Repels Insects
Fantastic Idea! Clothing That Repels Insects
This year the mosquito were ridiculous!  I know, I know, we had a late winter, more snow and that lead to a wet Spring.  Mosquitoes hatch their babies in water, therefore we had an abundance of the little blood suckers.  One family in Minnesota feels our pain and has come up with a great idea for those that aren't going to let the little pests keep us inside.

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