Superior Woman Loses iPhone In Ocean, Strangers Return It 2 Months Later
I saw this on my Facebook newsfeed and thought it was pretty awesome. A Superior woman was on vacation with her mother and daughter visiting the East Coast. Like many of us, she lost her phone but not just one, but two beautiful strangers helped her out in a story almost unbelievable by the time you get to the end of it.
The story starts when Kalee Hermanson was vacationing in Jekyll Island, Georgia. It's located on the Atlantic Ocean about halfway between Jacksonville Florida, and Savannah, Georgia.
Kalee has a waterproof case on her phone with a strap. She always has her phone with her to capture pictures and moments on their vacation while they were hanging out in the ocean. She had the phone securely attached to her (or so she thought) when a big rogue wave came by and toppled her over. When she collected herself she found that her phone was no longer on her wrist.
Horrified, she tried to dig down in the water and find it, but if you've ever seen the Atlantic Ocean, you know that the water is a little foamy and murky and pretty hard to see through. Eventually, they gave up looking for it. Fortunately, she had phone insurance so she got that set up and waited for the replacement phone. The bummer was a lot of those pictures hadn't had a chance to be uploaded and were lost.
She set the iPhone to lost mode and had her mom's number as the contact info. She never thought she'd see it again.

Then, miraculously just 5 hours later her mom got a call and the phone had been found on the beach. What a nice person who returned a strangers phone when they easily could have stolen it. But wait, the story doesn't end here. It just gets weirder.
Next Kalee and her family went down to Jacksonville. While hanging out on the beach she lost her phone in the ocean again. Kalee laughs at herself now wondering how the heck it could have happened twice. She had it once again fastened and another wave sent her tumbling and the exact same thing happened. There's no way that she could get that lucky again and find it. She went through the same procedure and put it in lost mode and hoped for the best.
Months went by and Kalee just assumed the phone was gone forever. Her mom got a message in mid-November from someone who claimed to have found the lost phone. Her mom thought it could have been a scam, but how would someone have known that she had lost the phone? It's a miracle because the couple that found the phone said it was buried in the sand. It was a fluke that they happen to see the string of the strap barely sticking out of the sand. They dug down and retrieved the phone. It wouldn't turn on, so the woman that found it actually took the time to dry the phone out, charge it, find the contact information and ultimately get the phone back to Kalee.
I asked Kalee if she's learned her lesson about bringing her phone into the water. She laughed and said no. "I've got a floating case now, so we're good."
As Kalee put it, "I'll always be a believer in people and beautiful strangers." Well said.
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