Superior Public Library Offers Economic Planning Event May 24
Inflation. Supply-chain problems. Lack of active employees in the workforce. High gas prices. The Ukraine/Russia situation. The waiting pitfalls for our robust economy were there before the pandemic, but it seems to have only gotten worse over the last year or so.
Many are concerned about the economy. And that concern grows only greater with all of the talk from financial and political pundits about recession.
Whether or not a recession happens now or at some point in the future, it's prudent for investors to gather information and take stock of their financial situation. That's why the Superior Public Library has added an event to their schedule to help make that easier.
The event is called 'Anatomy of a Recession', and it's scheduled to happen on Tuesday, May 24 at the Superior Public Library at 5:00 PM - both in-person and with a virtual component.
The library has included information about the event on Facebook with an event page:
During this free seminar, financial advisor Robyn Lings from Edward Jones will offer important insights timed around the current economy:
"[Robyn Lings will] talk about the current pace of the economic recovery, equity markets, and investor worries including COVID-19, interest rates, Ukraine/Russia, oil prices, and inflation. This seminar will take the pulse of the economic recovery while exploring why longer-term optimism on the macro picture is warranted."
Again, the session will happen with an in-person session at the Superior Public Library on May 24 at 5:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served.
Those who wish can also choose to do so virtually by going to https://edwardjones.zoom.us/j/95186159645pwd=QVhTMjZmbWl3V1A2TVZSV0dhaFljZz09 . The Meeting ID number you'll need is 951 8615 9645 and the Password is 7153921268.
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