St. Louis River Summit Will Be Held Virtually & Offer Field Trips March 1-3
The St. Louis River is an important part of the Twin Ports ecosystem. Years ago the United States Environmental Protection Agency designated the river as an area of concern. It was part of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1987. The St. Louis River is actually the second largest AOC (Area Of Concern) in the United States.
There will be a special meeting titled "St. Louis River Landscape Conservation Design Project System Analysis Update" on March 1. It will inform participants about the collaborative effort to keep the river healthy and clean after it's no longer an EPA area of concern. It costs $30 to attend the summit. You can register online and view the agenda.

On March 2 there will be a virtual poster session at 4pm where the Friends Of The Lake Superior Reserve will hold a legislative listening session.
The activities continue on March 3. Small group, socially distant field trips will be held during the morning. There will be options for birding and snowshoeing around the river. There also is an opportunity to explore the revitalization efforts at Barker's Island.
There will be a continuation of the monthly River Talk series with a presentation "River of Poems," on March 3 at 7pm. It's free and open to the community.
The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve encourages students from local schools and institutions to attend the summit to learn more about research community and river projects. Admission for students is free, but they are required to register.
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