Senator Roger Reinert Comments on the Blatnik Bridge Lighting System Completion
After two years, the Blatnik Bridge lighting system is complete, and today Senator Roger Reinert offered his thoughts on the project. His office released the following statement:
When we think of the Twin Ports - two communities operating as one - we think of the Blatnik Bridge as THE symbol of our combined communities. Two years ago when MnDOT began repairs to the bridge, it was announced the distinctive lighting of the Blatnik would be removed and not replaced. To me, this didn't seem right. I'm glad to have led the charge to not only replace the lighting, but also to engage our neighbor Wisconsin in helping to pay the bill.
The result is a new signature lighting system that will once again highlight the Blatnik Bridge and the symbol of the Twin Ports as one united community. This new lighting will not only bring the bridge back to life at night, and let folks in the Twin Ports cresting Thompson Hill know they are home, but it will also highlight new technology. The new lighting design incorporates internal positioned LED lights, for a dramatic new view of the bridge that minimizes energy usage and light pollution.
Thanks to the cooperation of MnDOT, WisDOT, and many local residents who supported replacing the lights and attended the design sessions. A special thank you as well to Minnesota Power and Superior Water and Light for their support of the high-efficient LED lights. I am proud that the Blatnik Bridge will continue to illuminate the pathway between Duluth and Superior for decades to come, and proud of the commitment
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