Segment Of Lakewalk Trail By Fitgers Has Been Reopened
Last week ended with a record-setting snowstorm, which caused significant damage to the Lakewalk in Canal Park. The City of Duluth has since been working on repairs, and are now reporting that a segment of the Lakewalk has been reopened.
The City announced that the asphalt section from Endion Station public restrooms to the Portland Malt Shoppe and Fitgers Complex area is open to public. However, users should avoid the boardwalk due some disjointed planks. The Trail heading east to Water Street is passable but users should watch for barricades at 16th Ave East where the washout is located.
The City also reminds the public that the section of the Lakewalk Trail behind the hotels in Canal Park connecting to the Aerial Lift Bridge is not passable and has significant damage and thus requests the public stay clear of this section for safety reasons.
Brighton Beach is still closed until further notice.