Did You Know This Downtown Duluth Bar Might Be Haunted?
When you live in a place as historic as Duluth, there are bound to be some haunted places in town. I just learned about one of these haunted spots and it is located in the heart of downtown Duluth.
Minnesota and Wisconsin both have a ton of haunted places for lovers of the paranormal to get their haunt on. There are a bunch of haunted roads and bridges in Wisconsin, each of which require a bit of a road trip. Minnesota also has a famous haunted road and it will definitely give you nightmares even to read about it.
As for more classic spooky spots, there is a Minnesota hotel that I have been to myself and it scared me so much I am not sure I will ever go back! It is located a few hours from the Twin Ports in Sauk Centre. It is called the Palmer House Hotel and it is not for the faint of heart.
The hotel is so famously haunted that it has been featured on all the scary ghost hunting shows, including Ghost Adventures. It was also featured on a show called Hotel Paranormal. The basement is notoriously famous for being the most haunted part!

You don't have to take a road trip to get your scares though. There is a supposedly haunted bar right in the heart of downtown Duluth. It is called RT Quinlan's Saloon and it is a popular spot for locals to hang out at.
I was shocked when I heard a little rumor that the bar is actually haunted! I was told to go to their website for proof and I was shook by what was on there: an actual audio recording of a spirit!
I am not a ghost hunter but the audio is really clear and incredibly creepy! In the audio clip, someone is heard asking the spirits who the owner is, other than someone named Spark. It seems like the spirits do answer in the short clip, albeit in a very creepy voice. The clip is about thirty seconds long.
As if that wasn't enough, the caption leading into the audio message says that the "ghosts of patron's past" hang out in the bar. They also call themselves the local bar that never sleeps. That right there sends chills down my spine!
I reached out to the spot to see what kind of haunts happen there and to learn a little bit more about these past patrons. I will, of course, report back. As long as the ghosts leave your drink alone, I wouldn't mind going and sitting at the bar with a spirit or two. Ha!
Sometimes it is overwhelming how many haunted places there are, in Duluth and beyond. Where is the cast of Ghost Adventures when we need them?!
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