Registration Now Open For Ultimate Frisbee Youth League
Keeping kids off screens and out having fun getting exercise can be a challenge. The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation division have a perfect fit with their 2018 Spring Ultimate Frisbee Youth League.
According to the City, participation in youth ultimate Frisbee is on the rise across Minnesota and this league provides girls and boys, who don't meet age requirements for other leagues, the opportunity to play organized Ultimate Frisbee.
The 2018 Spring Ultimate Frisbee Youth League is designed for youth age 7-10 and 11-15 and all skill levels are encouraged to participate. It's a great way to get exercise and learn team-building and communication.
The league will be played in 2, four-week sessions on turf at the Duluth Heritage Sports Center Seitz Arena. All games will played Wednesday nights from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The first session runs from April 4 through May 2, with a second session running from May 9 through May 30th.
The cost to participate is $25 per session.
You can follow the link below to register, just click on 'Youth Sports' to get to Ultimate Frisbee. You can also click here to get the rules of the game.
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