MN Hunting & Fishing Licenses Go Up, Fishing Opener Stays Put
The MN Senate passed the bill approving license fees for fishing and hunting to increase for the first time in 11 years. The bill, if signed, will increase the price for residents and non residents for fishing, small game, and big game licenses. The bill has wide support from many outdoor organizations looking to help fund the preservation and regulating of Minnesota's great fishing and hunting.Fishing- For residents, the price would jump from $17 to $24. For non residents the price would go from 39.50 to $44.
Hunting (Deer)- Resident From $26 to $30, (small game) $19 to 22. Non resident - (Deer) From $140 to $160. (Small Game) From $89.50 to $97.00.
To see all of the price increases, check out the MN Dnr fee increase sheet.
Also there was some talk this year of moving up the fishing opener, but it was taken out of the bill that was going to pass. So keep your plans for May 12th. Sorry Mom!
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