Take A Mom Fishing Weekend is Before the Minnesota Fishing Opener
Because Memorial Day falls on May 31, the latest day it can possibly be, the Minnesota fishing opener will be later than normal on the calendar. However, Minnesota moms can fish earlier without a license.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers the state fishing opener for walleye, bass, trout in lakes and northern pike is Saturday, May 15. Per state statute, the Minnesota fishing opener is the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. So, with the latest possible date for Memorial Day in 2021, anglers must have patience as the opener also falls on the latest possible date. The DNR says there has been some confusion with the opener date this year.
Take A Mom Fishing Weekend, when Minnesota-resident moms can fish without purchasing a license, will take place on Saturday, May 8 and Sunday, May 9. Those dates coincide with Mother's Day weekend and while they usually coincide with the opener as well, that is not the case this year.
“We encourage Minnesota moms to get out and fish for free on May 8 and 9,” Hansen said. “Even though the walleye season won’t be open, there are still plenty of fun and easy fishing opportunities for crappie, sunfish, or even under-appreciated fish like buffalo, sucker, bullhead or sheepshead.”

The Department of Natural Resources says if you have a printed version of the Minnesota Fishing Regulations book, there is an error regarding the dates for the 2021 Take a Mom Fishing Weekend. You can click here for fishing season dates, and the corrected Minnesota Fishing Regulations handbook.
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