Today is when the broader DWI law changes take place.  Until now if you were to get a DWI, you were legally allowed to still drive off road vehicles such as an ATV, Snowmobile, or motorboat. Now that is not the case, and whatever court rulings that apply to your on road driving privileges will also apply to off road vehicles.

The law change is being known as "Little Alan's Law." Last winter a man who had his license revoked for multiple DWI's ran over and killed 8 year old Alan Geisenkoetter Jr. on his snowmobile while intoxicated.  They were ice fishing at the time when the snowmobile struck them.

It's also a reminder that you can still be arrested for driving intoxicated on any vehicle. A new change to the law is that if you do get a DWI, you automatically cannot drive a motorboat for 90 days.



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