Minnesota State Patrol Cracking Down On Speeders Going Only 5 MPH Over
The Minnesota State Patrol has been adding extra patrols and enforcement on Minnesota Highways recently. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, speeding, racing, and unsafe driving rose dramatically. To combat this, the State Patrol has been having extra enforcement weekends.
We drove North on Highway 53 to go to our deer shack for hunting this last weekend. A few of us drove separately, and we all noticed at least 2 troopers who had someone pulled over. On the way back home on Sunday, I saw three troopers with people stopped, just between Cook, Minnesota, and Duluth, Minnesota.
Usually, you figure that if you're going about 5 mph over the speed limit you won't get pulled over, right? We were talking about the crackdown on speeding at deer camp, and someone shared they recently were pulled over by the state patrol for going 70 MPH in a 65 MPH zone.

So, if you think the 5 MPH over won't get you in trouble, think again. He was given a written warning by the trooper. It's not just people going over 100 MPH that is getting pulled over, although that has happened a shocking amount in the last 2 years.
The MN State Patrol shared on their Facebook Page that recently they pulled over 2 men racing going 107 MPH in a 60 MPH zone.
That was just days after posting an update about all of the over 100 mph speeding tickets they issued.
Bottom line: The Minnesota State Patrol is cracking down on speeders, and not just those going way over the speed limit. Keep an eye on your speed and drive safe and sober.
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