Minnesota DOT/Duluth Police Reminder, Watch For Halloween Trick or Treaters
Halloween is the deadliest pedestrian holiday, MNDOT and the Duluth Police remind drivers to look out for kids running out in traffic.
The MNDOT and Duluth Police officials are reminding drivers to be on the lookout for Halloween trick-or-treaters that will appear from behind cars and crosswalks from out of nowhere. Unlike other holidays which tend to see an increase in auto accidents, Halloween brings out a large number of pedestrians, especially small children.
According to Auto Insurance, Halloween is the deadliest days for pedestrian deaths and most of them are children that ran out on the road and didn't look. So, motorists have to be twice as careful. When Halloween is on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday the chances of a fatality are higher on that holiday.

MnDOT officials remind drivers to be cautious when they're on the road, especially around the dusk time when trick or treaters try to get a jump on the candy competition. Slow down in residential neighborhoods and school zones. NHTSA encourages you to scan the road and sides of the road slower and more carefully ahead for pedestrians. Look carefully behind your vehicle when backing up.
Parents of trick-or-treaters are also reminded to use safety and common sense when allowing their children to be out for Halloween. First and foremost, accompany your child, even if they are teenagers.. Make eye contact with drivers and ensure that they see you. Cross the street at established crosswalks and in well-lit areas and remember the rule when you were a child, look both ways, then look again. Wear bright-colored clothing with reflective materials if possible. Walk on sidewalks, not the street.
The video is from a couple of years ago but has really good information about candy and safety.
If you are looking for some good movies that aren't exactly marketed for Halloween, here's some to enjoy.
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