Last Chance To Tour Fairlawn Mansion Twinkling Holiday Tonight
The Fairlawn Mansion has been hosting their Twinkling Holiday Evenings on Tuesday nights through the month of December. December has flown by, and we are already at the last Tuesday of the month. There's still time to book your tour for this evening.
According to the Superior Public Museums, there will be tours at 5, 6, and 7pm. The mansion is decorated for the holidays, with Christmas Trees in each room. There's a special display set up in the Children's Home exhibit as well. Hosts are dressed up in Victorian costumes throughout the mansion, and also have stories to share. They also are offering sweet treats to take with you.
The Fairlawn Mansion is also taking precautions because of COVID-19. They ask that you wear a face covering while in the museum that covers your face and mouth. You are asked to also sanitize your hands before touching any gift shop items, and before your tour. You also are always asked not to touch any items in the mansion because of the oil on your hands. It damages sensitive historic objects.

They've set one hour time blocks for the event, so they can regulate how many people are in the mansion. The Fairlawn staff ask that you follow the directional map while touring.
Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for seniors, college students, or teenagers 13-17. Kids 12 and under are free. As a reminder, free coupons for admission are not valid for special events and tours such as this one. You can find more information and book your tickets at the Superior Public Museums website.
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