Duluth Fire Department Shares Recreational Fire Reminders
Those of us living in the Twin Ports fully know that when it's summertime, it's go time for afternoon barbeques and backyard cocktails around a fire in the evening. Who doesn't enjoy a nice fire when the sun goes down and the temps cool off?

Many people have a small bought or homemade fire pit or ring hanging out in the yard, and some are even in pretty small yards. I've noticed a few tucked in yards where the houses have just a few feet in between them and the fire pit sits in barely a yard.
In the City of Duluth it's perfectly legal to have a recreational fire on private property and they don't require a permit of any sort. That's nice, but also odd for them, because they like to seem to charge for everything else you might want to do.
If you do plan on having a backyard or private property fire, they do have some guidelines they want you to follow to help prevent structure fires.
All of the requirement for having a backyard fire make perfect sense but the one I see skipped a lot is having a way to extinguish it. In the event a fire were to get out of control, please make sure you have a garden hose or decent sized extinguisher nearby to give you a better chance handling out of control flames.
So take advantage of prime time backyard fire season in the area but make sure you're making good choices to keep you, your neighbors, and homes as safe as possible.