It’s Official! Minnesota State Fair Officials Announce 2021 Fair Will Happen
While this shouldn't really come as too much of a surprise, as organizers have been saying in recent months that they've been making plans for a 2021 Great Minnesota Get-Together, it was confirmed Friday that it will indeed be happening.
Both the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs were cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marking the first time in many years that the fairs had been cancelled. The last time the Minnesota State Fair was cancelled was in 1946, so it had definitely been a long stretch of years without a cancellation.
The Minnesota State Fair website shared information on this year's fair, explaining it will be held August 26 through Labor Day, September 6, 2021. With much of Minnesota getting back to normal as pandemic-related restrictions have largely been lifted, how will this year's fair be different?

Things can obviously change a lot between now and August, so the fair's website says they will continue to monitor the situation. This will include following the latest guidance from state and federal health officials.
Will there be attendance limits?
As of right now, state fair organizers say they don't anticipate daily attendance limits. They cite the relaxation or removal of most of the state's COVID-19 restrictions as part of what is leading to this outlook.
Will masks be required?
Organizers say they will not mandate masks as part of visiting the fair, however they do recommend those that are not fully vaccinated still wear a mask. This is similar guidance to that of the State of Minnesota and the CDC.
Will you need to prove vaccination status?
The fair's website says they will not require proof of vaccination for guests, staff, or vendors that are at the fairgrounds. The previous recommendation about masks for those not fully-vaccinated will be up to each individual person.
What else is being done related to the pandemic?
The fair's staff will maintain cleaning and sanitizing standards in accordance with federal and state health guidelines. They will also make hand sanitizer available at several locations around the fairgrounds.
Organizers also ask that anyone who has "tested positive or presumptively positive for COVID-19, experienced any COVID-19 related symptoms or been in direct contact with or in the immediate vicinity of any person who is confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19" within 14 days prior to their planned fair visit should not attend.
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