It’s 11.12.13, How Will You Spend the Second Last Sequential Date of this Century?
Between my co-host Ken Hayes and I, I'm the one that pays attention to fun things that happen with calendar numbers. That's unusual since I don't do well with math and try to shy away from anything having to do with numbers. It is a very significant day 11.12.13, the second last sequential date of the century.
Consecutive numbers in our calendar dates don't happen often, probably why we sit up and take notice when they do. Think about it, after December 13 of next year (12.13.14), there won't be another until January 2 of 2103. (01.02.03). That's a long time to wait!
According to a national bridal gown retailer about 2,300 couples have chosen the date to get married. (makes it easy to remember your anniversary date)!
There's also a beer brewing company that specific makes their beer NOT to last and has distinct "enjoy by" dates. It's from Enjoy By IPA. They are dedicated in getting your beer to you fresh so you can drink it before the date they've set as "enjoy by". They have one beer that is specific to 11.12.13. They send a clear message with the name of the beer itself that there is no better time than right now to enjoy this IPA. Of course, they have other beer with "enjoy by" dates too, but again, I was focusing on 11.12.13.
Are you going to do something fun, unusual or memorable to remember the day for years to come? I want to know what it is, share your ideas. Because right now, I'm going to work and have a day like any other. That doesn't seem right, does it?