How Did Cathy Kates Stay Warm At the Christmas City Of The North Parade?
Battery operated socks! With the temps near freezing the past couple of weeks, I was not looking forward to marching in the parade with the Denfeld Cheerleaders. I'm ALWAYS cold, but didn't want to miss out on all the fun and memories so I started searching for ways to make it as comfortable as possible.
Someone had told me about the feet warmers, so the search was on. I could only find hand warmers, which I thought about using in my boots but declined because the added bulk for as far as I have to walk could cause other issues. However, while I was searching for those, I ran across the battery operated socks. I have done countless outdoor broadcasts and events and froze my toes off, why did I not make this purchase sooner?
Now, I can see problems with these too. They take D size batteries that are the outside of the leg. How is THAT going to fit in my boot? What if it gets SO hot I burn my tootsies?
I'm writing this blog the morning of the parade. I'll update after tonight and let you know how they worked. It was $20 for the socks + cost of batteries, much cheaper than the other feet warming devices I saw that were priced at $150.00! Wish me luck and warmth!
THEY WERE FANTASTIC!!!! My feet were toasty and I was actually sweating once I started marching with the Denfeld Cheer Team and Band! If you have an outside event coming up or do a lot outside I would definitely recommend battery operated socks. The only thing I would bring up is that you need to store them flat (so you don't bend the wires) and make sure the two metal parts that activate the socks aren't touching whenever you leave the battery in because that will draw the power and your sock will be stored on and your battery will be dead when you need it.
Enjoy warmth in the Northland this winter :)