Because we don't have enough to worry about, there's now another thing to add to the list, courtesy of the FBI.

Have you ever heard of the term 'jugging' before? You're not alone if the answer is no. I had no idea what this meant until recently.

Beware Of 'Jugging' Trend

Jugging is the term used to describe when a person or group of people target people 'believed to have large amounts of cash' on hand.

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Hand of man with credit card, using a ATM

Unfortunately, the person with the wad of cash gets robbed in the parking lot. Jugging is happening at banks, credit unions and ATMs everywhere, including in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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The crime is picking up steam, so much so that the FBI recently issued a warning about it. We could all be better about being aware of our surroundings, especially in a time when our face is always buried in our phone.


Stay Safe & Protect Yourself

This could happen anywhere at any time. For this reason, the FBI shared some tips on how we can all stay safe and avoid becoming a jugging victim of this crime.

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Of course, first and foremost, we should all be more aware of our surroundings. Other tips include:

Concealing your cash when leaving a bank or ATM

Switching up your routine so you can't be followed or tracked

Drive to a police station or a well-lit area if you believe you are being followed

Call 911 if you feel something suspicious is going on

Don't get out of your car if you see something suspicious

Look around for anyone who is lingering

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