Duluth Parking Pay Station Eat Your Quarters? Better Download The App!
The City of Duluth has been introducing the new parking payment service, replacing parking meters in Downtown Duluth. This started a couple of years ago, and for the most part it goes pretty smooth. However, I parked on the 300 block of Superior Street the other day and ran into problems, and if I had the app downloaded it would have gone much smoother.
I had to stand in line on one of the days where we had 50 mph winds for several minutes, freezing my face off. I assumed there would be parking meters where I was going to park, so I brought 3 quarters with me that should have been enough time for my appointment.
When it was my turn, I entered my parking space number, selected the time, and started putting my quarters in. 1 of them didn't register! It went in, and I heard it clink at the bottom, but it didn't register on the screen. I brought this up with my co host Cathy and she said the same thing has happened to her. Another person in the office said that's happened to them too. Now I'm out of quarters and don't have enough time on the meter!
Of course, you can pay with your credit card, but it couldn't read my card. (My fault, my card is a bit worn.)
So the first thing I did when I got inside was download the app on my phone. You can find more information on how it works and where to get it by visiting the Duluth Parking Services website. Then when I needed to add more time, I didn't need to go back out in the cold. It actually works pretty slick!