Duluth Library Kicks Off Duluth Summer Reading Program June 3rd
Kids are getting out of school soon, so it's the perfect time to join the Duluth Public Library's Summer Reading Program. Anyone in the community can participate in the program and win prizes! You log your time, earn badges, enter drawings for prizes, and more!
Log your time reading or listening to audio books. Then, adults can enter in a weekly and monthly drawings. The grand prize drawing is a $100 gift card to The Bookstore at Fitgers. Children can enter into smaller prize drawings by logging their reading time. After 20 hours of reading time they can even pick out their own book of their choice, plus they are entered into the grand prize which is $50 to Barnes & Noble. Teens also can enter in for a drawing of one of 4 $75 Visa Gift Cards.
There's events too, like the Duluth Huskies Summer Reading Kick Off on June 18th at the Main Library Plaza from 11-12:30. There's more music and other events at the Library Plaza all summer long.
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