Duluth Fire Department Hosting Final Car Seat Clinic of 2022 Thursday
The Duluth Fire Department is reminding Northland parents and caregivers that their final car seat clinic of the year is coming up this Thursday, November 17. Registration is no longer required and checks at clinics will be completed on a first come, first served basis.
The Duluth Fire Department, in conjunction with St. Luke’s Health Care System, host free car seat safety clinics throughout the year, beginning in the spring.
According to the Duluth Fire Department:
Child Safety Seat Clinics are for parents and caregivers to have their child safety seat inspected by a certified child passenger technician. The child passenger safety technician will inspect and assist parents and caregivers in installing their child safety seat.

The final car seat clinic of 2022 will take place on November 17 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Duluth Fire Station #7, located at 1419 Maple Grove Road in Duluth.
The Duluth Fire Department also wanted to remind parents and caregivers about the importance of registering car seats, which ensures that they are promptly notified about future recalls and guided through the repair process.
Here’s how:
- Register online with your car manufacturer, using the information found on the information sticker on your car seat.
- Fill out the registration card that came with your car seat. It’s pre-populated with your car seat’s information. Mail the card; no postage required.
- You can also register your car seat online at www.safercar.gov/parents and click on "car seat." If your car seat information is handy, you can register in less than two minutes.
- Take a photo of your car seat label and save it to your phone so you can have it handy.
While the schedule has yet to be released, one would assume the car seats clinic will resume next spring. Both having the proper car seat and having it properly secured are so important to help keep kids safe, it's great to know the Duluth Fire Department provides this resource to our community.
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