Duluth Fire Department Gives Out Batteries As A Reminder To Northlanders Of Daylight Savings Tomorrow
It's this week-end, Daylight Savings time! If you are still confused, it's FALL back an hour. Another thing to remember is to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, yes, even if they are still good, change them. That way you know they're fresh and ready to keep your family safe. Here's the Duluth Fire Department's reminder.
The Duluth Fire, Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs would like to remind you that November 6, Change your Clocks Change your battery.
Daylight savings ends Sunday, November 6th, which reminds us to change and test the batteries in our smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. One easy step can save lives.
Everyone is encouraged to take that extra hour they “gain” from daylight savings time to change their batteries in their own smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors, test alarms and remind family and friends to do the same. Eighty percent of child fire fatalities occur in homes without working smoke alarms.
Starting today, November 3, the Duluth Fire Department will give out batteries for smoke alarms until supplies last, a donation from Energizer. To receive one residents may call 723-3215.
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