Don’t Miss The ABATE Of Wisconsin Motorcycle Awareness Rally
Riding a motorcycle on public roads seems to get more and more dicey every year. People are selfish with sharing the road thinking they are in more of a hurry than everyone else, and the phone use and distracted driving seems to get worse and worse every year.

As we are about to kick-off the few short months we have to ride motorcycles in the Twin Ports, May is a good time to remind motorists to watch out for motorcycles. After all, May is officially Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Every year members of ABATE of Wisconsin Region 6B hold a motorcycle awareness rally that doesn't require a motorcycle to attend. May 15th, 2022 from 1:00PM-3:00PM will be their 13th year for this rain or shine event. It takes place outside of Campbell Lumber and Supply located at 3107 Tower Avenue in Superior, WI.
People of all ages are invited to take a stand on the sidewalk and help alert motorists that motorcycles are back on the road. Even if you don't ride you can come and help support the awareness, as you most likely have someone close to you who rides.
Sharing the road can be as simple as looking twice to potentially save the life of someone on two wheels. ABATE is all about protecting motorcyclist's rights, promoting safety, and education, and they sure would enjoy you stopping by their annual event. Even if you can't hang out on the sidewalk, roll by in whatever you ride and give them a honk or two. If you want more information on this motorcycle awareness event, give them a call at 715-919-0270.
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