Cross Country Ski for Free During the National Winter Trails Day Celebration, Register NOW
I have down hill skied and in recent years learned to snow shoe (yes, there's a learning curve to that), but I have never been on a pair of cross country skis. When we down hill ski one of my favorite things to do is "skate ski" from the bottom of the hill to the chair lift, so I think I would enjoy learning how to cross country ski and be able to take in the solitude of swooshing through the woods! What to learn for free with me?
Everyone is invited to attend Winter Trails Day at Spirit Mountain Nordic Center, 9525 West Skyline Parkway(about 1/2 mile past the downhill area) as part of the National Winter Trails Day celebration. The idea is to introduce children and adults who have never cross country skied before to a new snow sport and it's absolutely FREE (but you do have to register). You'll get the benefit of fitness and make new friends all while learning a fun winter sport.
The Chalet will be open from 9a-4p, lessons will be given at 10a and 12:30p.
You will need to register for one of the two time slots offered by January 10th. IF you have ski equipment, feel free to bring it, however free rentals will be available too.
You will learn classic skiing (diagonal stride) which is the technique that is recommended for learning before mastering other styles of cross country skiing.
If you already know how to ski, you aren't left out! Come check out the Spirit XC trails and have some hot chocolate and granola bars around a bonfire — bring the whole family!
If you aren’t taking lessons, there is no need to register.
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