Country Throwback Honors A Classic Growing Up Song [VIDEO]
With all the kids now back in school, I thought about my Country Throwback and which song set in a school or about school would be great to honor. There's the third grade surroundings of George Strait's "Check Yes Or No" or the classic "Harper Valley PTA".
However, I don't think there's a more honest and accurate song about growing up than this Brad Paisley classic.
"Letter To Me" was released in 2007 and it would go on to spend four weeks on top of the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. Brad wrote this song as a letter to his younger self, but the themes he touches on are universal.
Things like how young people take things so much to heart and assume these are the "best years of your life" ring true to every adult. He also touches on not taking your loved ones for granted with the line about hugging "aunt Rita every chance you get", which strikes a chord with me as I have an Aunt Vickie who is battling early onset Alzheimer's.
Personally, I think this song should be mandatory listening for every kid growing up. Play the song for your kids and then tell them how the themes in this song played out in your life growing up. Perhaps it will save them stress and unnecessary worries as you recall the good old days.