City Of Superior Pressuring Union Pacific To Fix Railroad Crossing
The railroad crossing at East 5th Street near Hill Avenue is Superior has been terrible for years. Multiple people have experienced damage to their vehicles on this rough crossing. The City of Superior Public Works Committee adopted two resolutions to notify the Union Pacific Railroad to make repairs at this and other railroad crossings in Superior. The other crossings are at Catlin Avenue North of Winter Street and East of Winter Street.
According to the Superior Telegram, The Office Of Commissioner of Railroads has launched an investigation to decide whether the Union Pacific Railroad should make repairs at the East Fifth street crossing. The city requested that the railroad make the repairs. Union Pacific never responded. Assistant Public Works Director Chris Carlson has said the city has received multiple complaints over the years, and multiple attempts to request action from Union Pacific Railroad have not been successful.

Last month I wrote an article highlighting just how bad this railroad crossing is. I also shared information on how you can file a complaint with the Office Of Commissioner of Railroads. I submitted a complaint about the crossing and received an e-mail back in about a week's time.
The response was from Heather Graves who is the Legislative Public Policy Analyst-Supervisor for the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads in Madison, Wisconsin. To sum up the letter, she basically says that it's up to local authorities to work with the railroad on the repair of crossings and serve a copy of the resolution to the responsible railroad.
Also stated in the e-mail is the Union Pacific community hotline for complaints. The number is 888-877-7267.
We will see how and if the railroad responds to this latest development.
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