Chris Wins The Laugh Off With A Bad Joke About Bears [VIDEO]
Mondays can be rough and that's why Ken & I concocted the "Monday Morning Laugh Off." What better way to start the week than with really bad jokes?
He had the morning off so I asked Chris Allen to step in. He has stepped in before and very rarely, if ever, laughs at my jokes. (I guess I will not be attending an open mic night in the near future.)
The battle was fierce but in the end, I lost because of a dumb joke about bears. What can I say? The worse the joke, the more I laugh. Chris didn't even crack a smile at mine. I hope I have better luck next time!
To get over your case of the Mondays, you can watch all our previous laugh offs here.
By the way - we are giving away tickets to see Jim Gaffigan at Amsoil Arena for the next month or so. All you have to do is call in after the joke battle. The 5th caller wins!
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