Chipotle May Be Adding A New Item To Their Menu: Bacon
We've all heard the old adage: when all else fails, add bacon.
After a series of health scares over the past few years, it seems Chipotle is whipping out the gold card to try to woo customers back. That gold card is bacon.
In late June, the fast food chain announced they would be adding six new treats to select locations for testing. These treats, they said at the time, included a cocktail, milkshake, tostada, salad, nachos and quesadillas.
What they did not say at the time (or maybe I just missed it somehow) was that they were also testing bacon. Technically, this isn't an entirely new menu item but more of an addition. Nevertheless, it was part of the big test and one of the most successful additions.
According to CNN, now bacon topping and the also-popular test item of nachos are going out for further testing in locations across the United States.
You can get bacon topping in Orange County, California beginning in September and nachos in Denver and the Twin Cities starting in October.
Along with these new changes, some stores across the country are also testing a taco "happy hour" with $2 tacos at certain times of the day or with the purchase of a drink.
If all goes well, bacon will be coming to a Chipotle near you.
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