Binge-Watch Alert! Calculate How Long It Will Take You To Watch A Show
In case you haven't heard - it's cold outside. That means many, like myself, are choosing to spend as much time indoors as possible. With that comes the perfect time to catch up on all that tv you're behind on!
Is there a show you've been dying to watch? Are you thinking of watching Game Of Thrones before it ends? Are you trying to catch up on Stranger Things before you hear a spoiler? Whatever your answer may be, this will help you out.
I heard about a website earlier this week that calculates how long it will take you to watch a television show. It is called BingeClock.Com and it has everything a television fanatic or movie buff could ever need.
On top of calculating how long it'll take to watch a whole series, you can also calculate total times for other things like the show intro and credit-free, commercial-free and just by season alone.
That's not all! You can also see how many other people have binge-watched that show and it tells you the date of the next episode, if the show is still airing. You can look up movie information too.
This is an amazing tool and it's super easy too. Find out how to do it above!
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