Bentleyville Organizers Seeking Volunteers For The 2024 Season
It's crazy to think the holiday season is almost here! We have been so spoiled with nice weather in the Northland that it still pretty much feels like summer.
However, we all know fall will be here soon and that other season we don't want to talk about will roll in shortly after.
Things like Bentleyville help make our brutal winters a little less so, and it looks like organizers are already searching for volunteers for the massive event.
Organizers put out a call for volunteers on social media over the weekend and one of those volunteers could be you!

If you want to volunteer, you can sign up now online via the website provided. From there, you can sign up for spots based on month (September, October or November) and then go from there.
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Organizers say that all skill levels are welcome. However, if you are younger than 16, you will be paired with an adult.
Of course, coffee and donuts will be served in the mornings and lunch is provided on weekends. You are asked to dress appropriately as you will be volunteering come sunshine or snowfall.
Share with your family and friends, as organizers need anywhere from 50 to 150 volunteers per day. Volunteers are needed every weekend beginning this weekend (September 28th) through November 23rd from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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Volunteers are also needed on Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you want to wing it, that's okay too! You don't have to register ahead of time but it is encouraged.
I can't believe Bentleyville is just a few short months away. It makes winter in Duluth that much more magical.
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