B105 Free Money Payday Is Your Chance to Win Cash and Party
We're ready to pay local listeners cash and to party with the B105 Free Money Payday, presented by Bud Light, St. Croix Casino, Americash Loans and Pete's Trailer Sales and Service!
To win, just listen for the Payday Cue-To-Call every weekday in the 6am, 8am, Noon and 4pm hours. That's your chance to win your way into our Payday Party at the Other Place Bar & Grill.
At the party, you and a guest can enjoy food and drinks while we give away cash and prizes, including plenty of 3-day passes to WE Fest! WE Fest has a great lineup this year including Keith Urban, Chris Stapleton, Brooks & Dunn and more and we'd love to hook you up!
Every Thursday morning at 8:45, The Breakfast Club will draw a random Payday Party pass winner to score an instant $500 payday!
If Ken and Lauren announce your name, call 218-727-B105 (2105) within 1 minute and 55 seconds and you'll win $500. Make sure you're listening because if you don't call in time, they'll pay someone else!
You can also download the B105 Mobile App for a chance to win bonus money. We'll send out an app alert every Wednesday with a special code. If you're one of our weekly $500 winners, just tell Ken and Lauren the code when you call in to get an even bigger payday.
You can see complete contest rules here.
Keep listening to win your share of thousands of dollars with the B105 Free Money Payday and good luck!
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